Two weeks before Thanksgiving and we are getting ready. We don’t have as many birds this year as we did last year. This weekend Deer season opens, and then next weekend we need to process the birds. We only have about 10 of them this year, as opposed to 15-18 last year. So we will separate them Friday night, then begin processing them Saturday morning. Sunday we will deliver them to our customers in the parking lot of the local Wal-Mart.

The change from Daylight Savings time has really been difficult. It is daylight again when we leave in the mornings, but not it is pitch black when we get home. Makes getting some of the birds back in the coop a real pain. Tonight there are a couple birds on the roof of the coop, and a couple in one of the trees. I tried chasing them out last night, and I’m afraid it just makes things worse. So we are trusting the dog to keep them safe at night until I can convince them to go inside again.

The chickens are not doing well, either. I think there are ten hens, and we have been averaging 3 eggs a day. Every third or fourth day we get four. The other night we only got one! And then we’ll get five or six. I plugged in the light in the coop, so that will extend the daylight hours for them. I think some of them may have already started to molts and we will just have to weather that until they start laying again. When the turkey numbers are reduced after Thanksgiving it should make a big difference also. We are going to have to reduce the number of geese also, even if it means trying roast goose for the first time. Those 5 geese are running rough shod on everything.

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Pastured turkey, pastured chickens, eggs, turkeys, chickens,