In no particular order and I'll try to get captions on them soon.
Spent $400 on tires a few weeks back for the van, and since then we have had 2 flats. Both the back tires, picked up something on the high way. So the last time I took Gavin with me to get it fixed. He loved the “Marshmallow Man” and checking out the new tires and such. Was a great time for both of us.

We have been doing a unit on Ponds at school, and so I have been using my resources here to help make things come alive for the kids. So I took 2 fish from our Molly tank and they are in a small aquarium on the counter. They are ok, the kids can’t see them as well as other things, but they like them. And we bought 3 ducks that we shared with another classroom and the kids got to hold and see and stuff and that was really cool for them. And Jeanne’s mom has a turtle named Golden that they picked up several years ago down by Golden City. So I took him and the kids went nuts over him. We let them touch him and he crawled around on the floor at first. Had the kids sit with their legs stretched out to form an area for him to crawl in and he kept crawling over one of the girls legs. It was so cool. Then we took him outside with us for recess and more kids got to see him. Let him crawl around in the grass and clover. He ate some of it. One of the other classes came and got him and played with him for a while. Then we did it again in the afternoon, letting him crawl around and the kids touched him, and out on the playground. He spent the night and on Tuesday the kids got to see him again. Wasn’t as big a deal the second day, and didn’t let the kids gang up on him quite as much. Some one was supposed to bring pollywogs to put in the fish tank, but so far, nothing.

I took Yaco to school one day when no kids were there, so we could check her out and I could see how she does. Later when we do the zoo unit or something I’ll take her again. She was there for just one day and didn’t talk much or make much noise. Of course as soon as we got her home, she made lots of noise. Go figure.
Someone came to me and asked if I had baby ducks. I didn’t, so they asked where they might get some. They wanted them for a day or two to show the kids. I was going to keep them when they finished, and then decided that wasn’t right. So we bought 3 ducks, 1 male and 2 females. We were going to get the Khaki kind, but they didn’t have them, so we got Rouen Ducks. Actually, Jeanne got them on her break, the hatchery is just down the road from her work, and then she brought them to me at lunch. They are really cute. And we have them in the brooder at home now with the 2 geese that hatched in the house.
OK, here is the deal. I take a lot of pictures with my cell phone. And in the last few months I've been through 3 phones. The one I was using broke. One of those old (like 2 years old) flip phones and  when you open it, the screen is blank. So I dug out the one I had before that and used it for a while. Then when the contract renewed, I got a new phone. Just learning how to use it, and not so sure it takes great pictures.
Plus I have 2 computers and I tend to use both of them. Long story, but the plan is to one day migrate everything to one computer for me to use and set the other one up for everyone else. The point here being that I have pictures (and music) spread over both computers and phones and very disorganized in various files. On top of that, I have this tendency to want to go back to the very beginning and tell the WHOLE story. So I'm planning to go through things a little at a time and just start getting pictures put in the blog. I'll try to post them in the sections where they belong as much as I can, chickens in their section and turkey in theirs and so on. And eventually I'll create a section for the incubators and the hatches we have, and how I do the eggs and all of that.
Which brings me to the last problem I've run into. TIME! There just doesn't seem to be enough of it. And now with the time change, it is dark before we even get home, so I have no time to do much outside. But I'm hoping that as it gets colder and I'm able to do less outside during the winter, I'll take some of that time and organize things here and around the house.
Here are some samples.
The first is our birds before the 2011 Thanksgiving harvest.
The second is our son Gavin and the new dog, "Marshmallow"
The third is from the spring of 2010, we had a pair of geese and 3 goslings we successfully raised.
The last one is of an Easter Egg chick, spring 2010. Little fuzz ball.
Oh, and about the pictures in the header. The eggs on the left were collected all in one day in 2010, the eggs on the right are a collection before we put them in the incubator. The ones in the middle are both from the fall of 2011, on the left is just a shot of the birds one afternoon, and on the right is a great snapshot of one of our breeding Narragansett Toms. You can tell the difference between him and Stripes because Stripes has a raised section in the middle of his tail.

Pastured turkey, pastured chickens, eggs, turkeys, chickens,