Monday was MLK day and a school holiday for Springfield Schools. But it was a snow make-up day for Buffalo schools, so I had the opportunity to sub there again. Haven’t subbed there in a while. Was nice. Tuesday I went back to my regular job at the Early Childhood in Springfield. They hadn’t put me in the system and so Buffalo called me twice. I was told during the day that my final clearance check had come back. Didn’t really think about it until the end of the day. I was told that my papers had been walked over and I could get my badge picture Friday, so I asked when my first day as Springfield employee was, and was told it was that day. Great to know, but glad to be there. Also explains why I wasn’t in the system and Buffalo called me. So updated the system, took me out of the Kelly system and put in non-available days except for holidays in Springfield.

So I feel one step further along on my path. Worked for 4 years as a manager at McDonalds while I worked on my teaching certification, and then quit that to sub full time and find a way into the system. Looks like I’ve done that. Early childhood was not what I would have guessed, but it works really well, I enjoy it, they appreciate me and so it is the next step. I am finally a full time employee in a public school district, working with students.

And Jeanne had a job interview also at the Public Defenders office in Springfield. She worked for the public defender once before in another city and really loved it. She has been hoping to get back into law enforcement or the justice system some how and we are both hoping this will be that break. Work be great if we could both "Get our foot in the Door" at the same time. Guess it is bad enough that we have to work, but even worse when you can't enjoy your  

Today is Thursday 15 December 2011. The month is half over and the year all but gone. Worked at the Early Childhood Center again today, the last day I’m scheduled for. But they are going to have to extend it for a while. Interviewed for the job there after school.

Originally when I got there, I was placed in a classroom with one other para. The other para had been moved to a different classroom to replace someone that transferred out. I was under the assumption that the new position would be in the same classroom. During the interview today was told that the new position would be a different classroom, and not in the one I’m in. Doesn’t make a big difference, other than I really like the room I’m in and the kids and the teacher and all. But in the final analysis My goal is to get a job in the school, and a paraprofessional position is the most logical way to get known and have people recommend you for a position. I was told there is one full time position and two part time positions open right now. The first part of the year she hopes to open another classroom, and there will be another full time position open. I told her I would be interested in either of the full time positions. I mean. I have experience as substitute teacher and my certification is in middle and high school science, can’t get much further from that than this.

Went to the winter concert at Taylor’s school. Started at 6pm and lasted till 7:30. Got home about 8:30 or so. 6 of the turkeys were up on the coop, and had to chase them in. Like that every night. And it is always the Narragansett hens. Got my one, lone egg again. Decided to try something with them. We all know that animals are sensitive to the length of the day, or photo-periodicity. It is the changing length of daylight that causes plants to flower, the geese and other animals to migrate, and causes wild animals to go into heat and begin breeding. For deer in the fall it is the shortening day for most it is the lengthening days of spring. Well, chickens need daylight to lay eggs, and they lay less during the winter when the days are shorter. I’ve got a light in the coop set to go on early in the morning and again in the evening to help give them artificial daylight and maybe lay more eggs. Doesn’t seem to be working. So I got to thinking about it and decided to revert back to a standard day, then in a few weeks start lengthening the days again. Also, December 21st is the Winter Solstice, or the shortest day of the year. After that the days naturally start getting longer again. Even thought he days are getting longer in January, we have colder weather in January because the Earth is still loosing heat faster than it is gaining. At any rate, hoping the change in daylight hours will jump start the birds into laying again. It may even affect the turkeys and such. I mean, in the past when I’ve turned the light on, I’ve had turkeys lay eggs in November and December. So here’s to what ever happens.

Pastured turkey, pastured chickens, eggs, turkeys, chickens,